First Presbyterian Church

A congregation of
The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Christ calls us to be faithful disciples who strive to be:

              • joyful in our worship
              • tender in our life together
              • daring in our outreach

First Church is open for worship in person
at 10:30 am on Sundays.

Worship is also available online on YouTube,
either livestreamed at 10:30 am,
or for viewing any time after that.

You can link to the First Church YouTube channel.

Worship this Sunday at 10:30 am

Welcome to the Saleem family!

Our family from Pakistan (via Malaysia) arrived in Regina
January 18, 2024!

They have now been here five months and are settling in well
to life in Canada!

Welcome Adnan and Nomia, Abiel and Doris!


Be sure to read the June newsletter!


On January 11, First Church celebrated 99 years as a
congregation. This picture was taken at 95 years.

Watch for 100th Anniversary information - January 11-12, 2025

And a new picture!


2170 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan     S4P 2T9
Phone: (306) 522-9571
Fax: (306) 522-2178

Minister: Rev. Amanda Currie


June Newsletter

PCC Presbyterian Connection

News and Events

Bible Study is continuing online on Zoom

Quick Links