
The Tate
Memorial Window
On Sunday morning the 24th of September 1961, the Tate memorial
window was dedicated to the Glory of God and in grateful memory
of his beloved wife Elizabeth Tate, by her husband the Reverend
William B. Tate. This set of three windows is installed in the
South Transept of the Church.
window was unveiled by their son, Mr. William R. Tate and
the Very Reverend Norman
D. Kennedy and was accepted on behalf
of the Session and Congregation by David G. Marshall, Clerk
of Session. The theme of the window is “Home and Foreign Missions” and
depicts the subject of missionary zeal and spreading the Good
News of Christ, and winning the world for Christ.
The work was executed by Celtic Studios in the City of Swansea,
Glamorgan, in South Wales, in 1961.
The Left window of the trio denotes the Apostle and Saint, Paul who
was an early and fervent missionary. The figures portrayed are St.
Paul in blue and purple robes at the top of the window, and African
people being provided with medicine, the teachings of Christ and the
love of God in the lower section of the window.
Right window of the trio denotes mission work in East Asia, mainly
in Korea. The figures portrayed
are of St. James, who is associated
with “home” missions, in the green and purple robes at the top of the
window. In the bottom of the window are figures being provided with
food, depicting Christ’s command to feed the world’s hungry.
Centre window of the trio pictures the symbol of St. Jude’s, the
patron of foreign missions, ship. St. James is portrayed in the top
part of the window in yellow and white robes, and in the bottom part
of the window are figures showing discipleship and Christian education
in India.
Tate Family History:
Mrs. Elizabeth Tate
Tate was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in September 1870.
In 1892 she married William
B. Tate and immigrated with him to
Canada. During her lifetime, especially after her husband was ordained
into Ministry, Elizabeth played an extremely important role in the
life of the Church and was the very first president of First Presbyterian
Church’s Women’s Guild.
The Reverend William Bradshaw Tate
Tate was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, October 12, 1869. Shortly
after marrying Elizabeth the young couple
immigrated to Canada
and William commenced work with the Timothy Eaton Company in Toronto.
In 1894, William entered the Presbyterian College at the University
of Manitoba in Winnipeg to study for the Ministry. After graduation,
he was ordained in Grenfell, Saskatchewan and served in his first
pastoral charge there from 1900 to 1904. Later in 1904 he accepted
the pastoral
charge at Qu’Appelle and served there until 1913. In 1914 he came
to Regina. During his time Ministering in Regina William also accepted
the position of Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
A.F and A. M. Rev. Tate held this position with the Masonic Lodge
1914 until his retirement in 1938.
recognition of the Tate family’s long association
with Masonry and the prestige of positions Rev. Tate held in the
Masonic Lodge,
the designers at Celtic Studios in Swansea inserted a series of Masonic
symbols in the bottom panes of each of the three windows.