The MacPherson Memorial Window

On Sunday morning the 22nd of June, 1969, the MacPherson memorial window was dedicated to the Glory of God and in grateful memory of Major Murdoch Alexander MacPherson, K.C. 1891 - 1966 by Mrs. M.A. MacPherson Sr. This set of three windows is installed in the North Transept of the Church.

The window was unveiled by Mrs. M.A. MacPherson Sr. and the Very Reverend Norman D. Kennedy and was accepted on behalf of the Session and Congregation by Mr. D. N. Gray, Clerk of Session. The theme of the window is the life of Christ.

The work, designed in modern style, was designed by artist Ernetine Tahedl.


The Left window of the trio symbolizes the birth and joy of Christ. In the sky is the star of Bethlehem. A stylized angel brings the news to the earth below.

The Right window of the trio represents the crucifixion story. The sun is dark, the crown of thorns and the blood of our Lord form part of the composition.

The Centre window of the trio expresses the glory of the resurrection. The sun is bright. A triangle suggests The Trinity, The Chalice, Hope and Sacrifice. At the centre of the entire work is the empty cross, the primary symbol Christian faith.

The ceramic plaque below the window set in the north transept outlines the information above (the story depicted in the windows).