Presbyterian Church warmly welcomes all those who by their infant
or childhood baptism, or adult desire, are now committed
to professing and being confirmed in their faith. The Minister
and Session Elders of First Presbyterian Church are always delighted
to accept into our congregation new members by confirmation and
profession of faith.
Generally speaking, there are two main methods of confirming and professing
Christian faith. One of these methods, called Confirmation,
is designed for youth, aged 12 – 18.

classes are held yearly (as required). In
these classes, young people are provided with the opportunity
to learn and to question the meaning and commitment of professing
their Christian faith. They also learn to deal with the issues
of doubt and uncertainty, and to explore the ways in which
God calls us to be a faithful people. Led by the Minister
and assisted by Elders of the Church, confirmation classes
finalize by a Confirmation ceremony in which the “confirmants” or
class students, profess their faith publicly during the regular
Sunday Worship Service of the congregation. Certificates
are provided and, according to our Presbyterian tradition,
the “right hand of friendship” is extended to the confirmants
by all of the Elders of the Session, and then by the witness
and verbal acceptance of the congregation of First Presbyterian
Church. Confirmants then become full communicant members
of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, in Regina
and of the wider Presbyterian Church in Canada.
A different method, designed more specifically for adults, is called Profession
of Faith. This method involves appreciative inquiry of the meaning
and commitment of faith, of duty and service, of doubt and obedience. While
the same general questions and information noted in Confirmation classes,
is covered, this process is designed for adults study rather than youth.
Profession of Faith is
arranged with the Minister and a sponsoring Elder. As potential professing
members are adults, formal classes are generally deferred in favour
of individual meetings and discussions between the potential professing
member and the Minister/Elder. As with youth in confirmation classes,
these discussions culminate in an actual ceremony in the regular
public Worship Service of the Congregation. Church Membership Certificates
are provided and in the same manner as the confirmation service,
Elders and the congregation formally witness and accept new members
by Profession of Faith, into the congregation of First Presbyterian
Church. As with confirmation, once accepted, professing faith members
become full communicant members of First Presbyterian Church Regina,
and the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Profession of Faith can
occur on any Sunday of the Church year that is deemed appropriate
by the Minister and Session of First Presbyterian Church, and is
not restricted to a particular yearly cycle as is the case with confirmation
Contact our church for more information.