Presbyterian Church welcomes requests for all those who wish
to be baptized in the Christian faith: infants,
children, youth and adults. We welcome inquiries about baptism
from those who wish to affirm their faith in this way.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada affirms this about baptism.
- Baptism is a sign and seal of
our union with Christ and with his church. Through it we share
in the death and resurrection of Christ and are commissioned
to his service.
- In Baptism, water is administered
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The water signifies the washing away of sin, the start of new
life in Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- By
the power of the Holy Spirit, God acts through Baptism. It is
the sacrament not of what we
do, but of what God has done for us in Christ. God’s grace and
our response to it are not tied to the moment of Baptism, but
continue and deepen throughout life. It is a sacrament meant
for those who profess their faith and for their children. Together
we are a family of God.
- Baptism is also an act of discipleship
that requires commitment and looks towards growth in Christ.
Those baptized in infancy are called in later years to make personal
profession of Christ. What is born may die. What is grafted may
wither. Congregations and those baptized must strive to nurture
life in Christ.
- Baptism assures that we belong
to God. In life and in death our greatest comfort is that we
belong to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ.
Contact our church for
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